
Creating Relevant Content for SEO

You often hear that in order to be found online, you need to have good SEO (Search Engine Optimization). And in order to have good SEO, you have to have a lot of relevant content for your website.  Well, how do you produce relevant content?

Answer Questions

A great way to start posting relevant blog posts is to answer everyday questions that your client asks you.  Things that you now reflexively answer that seem so trivial to you are probably questions that your future clients have as well.  If you answer them once for your own client, put it in writing and answer them for future clients.

Provide Added Value

I’ve seen a lot of companies offer lawyers “custom” website and “custom” phone apps.  What I end up seeing is cookie-cutter websites and cookie-cutter apps that does nothing more than connect your client with a push-to-call button and a map.  Apps and websites like that doesn’t provide any added value to your clients and doesn’t distinguish you from the rest of your competition.

For example, I have a divorce practice so I created a divorce calculator that allows litigants to quickly calculate alimony and child support.  They can do it via my website or they can download an app to do it either on their iPhones or Android devices.  This is useful because the courts do not provide a way for people to do this on their phones and in the courthouse.  The courts only provide a downloadable PDF which is not useful if you don’t have your computer with you or have internet access when you’re in court.  This is an added value because I’m providing something that is not available before.

If you’re able to do those two things – answer every day questions and provide some added value to your customers, you are well on your way to being found and being hired for your expertise.

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